Intend Health Program News: May Update

Here’s a recap of Relational Leadership programming delivered to healthcare professionals, teams, and organizations over the past several months:
New Client! Comagine Health: We launched a multi-session Relational Leadership program with the national nonprofit healthcare consulting firm Comagine Health, engaging approximately 140 participants from their QI department and related teams. Four cohorts are participating in a series of three sessions each, running concurrently now through early June. Sessions dive deep into such topics as Psychological Safety and Positionality and Power, fostering meaningful discussions and growth opportunities.
New Client! Pear Suite/Caring California: We’re partnering with Pear Suite to deliver a four-part Relational Leadership workshop series to community health workers who are participating in the California Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI)’s statewide training/workforce development program, Caring4Cal. Pear Suite, provider of the Caring California training series, is a digital health company that empowers community health workers to better assess and address the social drivers of health via a customizable care navigation platform.
California Improvement Network (CIN): Fifty participants from across CIN’s partner organizations are attending a five-part series, Transforming Culture, Building Connection Using Relationship Leadership. Monthly sessions focus on building community, fostering a culture of psychological safety, and learning how to take transformative action, and will continue through early August. The California Improvement Network is a learning and action community that advances equitable healthcare for Californians through cross-sector connections, spreading good ideas, and implementing improvements.
OCHIN Relational Leadership for Clinician Leaders (RLCL): Clinical leaders from OCHIN’s Health Center Controlled Network (HCCN) participated in the Spring 2024 cohort. HCCN is supported by a grant from HRSA and is the largest of its kind in the nation. We are pleased that there is increased demand for RLCL within the OCHIN community and are grateful to the dedicated OCHIN staff members who trained and facilitated this program. We’re looking forward to supporting future cohorts.
Relational Leadership @ Carolina: The Spring 2024 cohort at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) wrapped up in April, engaging participants in Story of Self and Story of Others, Positionality and the Nature of Power, and Culture of Feedback. Thank you to the UNC team of facilitators and trainers for shepherding this program.
Sam Houston State University School of Nursing: Our year-long engagement with staff, faculty, and executive leadership concluded with a series of workshops addressing Difficult Dialogues and Conflict Transformation, as well as a review of and focus on deeper application of concepts covered throughout the year.
UNC-Chapel Hill Chief Residents Relational Leadership Program: Following a successful pilot in the fall, the program is expanding beyond internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics, and med-peds to include chief residents from additional training programs who will join the cohort launching this month. Led by Sofia Aliaga and Victoria Boggiano at UNC, the program is supported by a grant from the American Medical Association's Reimagining Residency initiative.
Jump-Start Your Relational Practice
Do you want to create a more relational culture in your organization but aren’t sure where to begin? Getting Started With Relational Leadership can help you learn the fundamental building blocks for getting started. Download the guide.
Relational Leadership programming delivered to healthcare professionals, teams, and organizations - May 2024 update.