Intend Health Program News: February Update
We've had a busy couple of months! Here is the latest news about Relational Leadership programming and partnerships:
CareOregon Booster: We began the first of two in-person booster sessions for our CareOregon team, with a workshop on Positionality + Power. Participants enjoyed rich discussion and exploration, and we are looking forward to offering a second booster this year!
University of Utah Health Chief Medical Officer Executive Group: We are delivering a four-part series of one-hour Relational Leadership sessions to the Chief Medical Officer Executive Group at University of Utah Health. The series began in January and runs through April.
Frontier Pediatrics: On January 10 we offered our second, full-day Relational Leadership experience for Frontier Pediatrics in Twin Falls, Idaho. We introduced the leadership team to the 5-Dynamics assessment in the morning and spent the afternoon supporting the full team by exploring Relational Leadership, Teaming + Tuckman’s, and Story of Self. We are so grateful to partner and learn with this group.
Primary Care Leadership Collaborative: Christina Kelly recently led two sessions for students within the AAFP’s Primary Care Leadership Collaborative (PCLC) on How to Hold a Convening and How to Engage Stakeholders. In partnership with Intend Health, PCLC is a two-year leadership program for medical students in family medicine, who design and take action on community projects.
RLI 2.0: Relational Next Steps: Our colleagues at the RELATE Lab at Oregon Health & Science University kicked off their RLI 2.0: Relational Next Steps program, which includes five 90-minute sessions during a ten-week period and a deep dive into new concepts, such as generous listening and Peter Block’s work, while building on core RL concepts for RLI 1.0. We are looking forward to learning from the 12 engaged participants, as we test this new format and content.
PCP-SAN Mid-year Event: We held an engaging event to celebrate the mid-point of our 2022-2023 Student Action Network program, with attendees representing six institutions. Student teams from Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine and the University of Connecticut provided project updates, and we revisited two core Relational Leadership concepts, One-to-ones and Story of Self. We are so grateful to our coaches, facilitators, and participants for co-creating a wonderful experience.
February 2023 recap of recent Intend Health programs delivered to healthcare providers, students, and institutions across the country.